EAEA News - Year of Equal Opportunities for All


EAEA News - Year of Equal Opportunities for All


The 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All seeks to make people in the European Union more aware of their rights to equal treatment and to a life free of discrimination.

The activities undertaken during the Year intend to remedy the discrimination from which some individuals suffer because of their gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation. These are grounds for discrimination that may be addressed at European level.

On this occasion EAEA wants to promote equal opportunities regarding the access to adult education. Some groups do not have equal access to adult education as others. Therefore EAEA supports projects facilitating access to education for disadvantaged groups. On the one hand, there is the Grundtvig Award, which will this year go to a project aimed at improving and increasing learners´ equality of opportunities to the benefits and rewards of full active citizenship and critical democracy. On the other hand, there will be a conference held in Riga on December 3-4, with the title Equal Opportunities for All - the value of adult learning in promoting equality. Participants can sign up during the month of September. Please read the respective sections on our website to learn more about our activities.