Lernen im Lebenslauf – Das lernende Subjekt im Spannungsfeld bildungspolitischer Imperative, pädagogischer Praxis und biografischer Forschung

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Rothe, Daniela

Title: Lernen im Lebenslauf – Das lernende Subjekt im Spannungsfeld bildungspolitischer Imperative, pädagogischer Praxis und biografischer Forschung
Volume: 38
Year: 2015
Issue No.: 1
Pages: 23–36
Subject descriptor: Biografieforschung / Bildungspolitik / Teilnahme
Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40955-015-0010-4

In the context of lifelong learning, adults are increasingly being viewed from a biographical perspective. This article takes a look at how differently – and in some cases inconsistently – adults are construed as biographical subjects in education policy, in educational practice, and in research on adult education. It argues that to even begin to examine the processes and practices of biographical subjectification that take place in adult and continuing education, biographical research must be combined with ethnographic methods.

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