Kompetenzen Älterer. Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven ausgewählter Ergebnisse der Studie Competencies in Later Life (CiLL)

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Gebrande, Johanna /Knauber, Carolin /Weiß, Christina

Title: Kompetenzen Älterer. Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven ausgewählter Ergebnisse der Studie Competencies in Later Life (CiLL)
Volume: 37
Year: 2014
Issue No.: 3
Pages: 50-67

The study Competencies in Later Life (CiLL) provides for the first time representative data regarding the competencies of older people between the age of 66 to 80 years in three different domains: literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments. It is shown that there are significant differences between people with different qualification, but also between people of different birth cohorts. Despite major qualification differences between men and women, there are no significant differences between genders in literacy. However, men outperform woman clearly in numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments even when considering other variables.

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