Ansätze und Ergebnisse zur Beratung(sforschung) in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung – Eine Systematisierung

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Käpplinger, Bernd /Maier-Gutheil, Cornelia

Title: Ansätze und Ergebnisse zur Beratung(sforschung) in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung – Eine Systematisierung
Volume: 38
Year: 2015
Issue No.: 2
Pages: 163–181
Subject descriptor: Bildungsberatung / Forschung

The article provides a systematizing overview of contemporary methodological approaches and results of research on guidance and counselling. As well qualitative as quantitative approaches will be explored and concerning its insight located. Different but also complementary findings become visible. At the end, it will be argued in favour of a further elaboration of research on guidance and counselling in adult education. Therefore, it should be looked for a mutual relation between studies and a shared vocabulary. Results of evaluations have to be received seriously by policy-makers and the administration. Research findings have to be integrated into initial and continuing education in the field of guidance and counselling.

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